English Division Student GovernmentFeb 26, 2022Blood DonationsRequest for blood donation by the President of the Medical Council Note: Currently to donate blood you must be able to speak and read Polish (due to screening and signing documents). Unfortunately this is...
English Division Student GovernmentFeb 26, 2022VolunteeringVolunteers for collection for necessary items at WUMNote: EDSG will confirm whether non-Polish speakers are able to help with this, and will update the post accordingly. Organization in...
English Division Student GovernmentFeb 26, 2022Item CollectionFirst aid for Ukraine (Collection of necessary items & Call for Volunteers) - Initiative from WUM[Updated 03.03.2022 17:53] [Updated 27.02.2022 21:56 - Adding list of items needed] [Updated 27.02.2022 17:36 - Change of location]...