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Upcoming Events
Orientation Week
September 27 - September 30, 2023
Pub Crawl
September 29, 2023
Club Night
September 30, 2023
Ongoing Projects
@EDSGMUW Instagram Takeover
We are starting a new project on our instagram which allows students and alumni to showcase our week through instagram stories. If you are interested please fill in the form linked HERE. You may be contacted anytime during the school year.
Currently, we run instagram takeovers every other week.
Past Events 2022/2023
Past Events 2021/2022

Hip-Hop Dance Class (MUW Yourself)
April 8th, 2021 (Friday) at 4:00pm
Location: Room 2.71, Sports Center
Lifestyle Medicine Scientific Club X EDSG dance event alert!
Although it’s snowing today, spring is knocking on our door, waiting to come in.
It’s time to flex our bodies and wake our bodies up from winter sleep!
So together with Lifestyle Medicine Scientific Club, we have prepared a hip-hop dance class, which will be conducted by Natalia Kostecka. She is a student at the Medical University of Warsaw and she has completed a sports instructor course with a specialization in dance. She will be our trainer for the day
We welcome you to train together, have fun, make new friends and recharge with us
Link to the event is attached below
Christmas Movie Night
December 17th, 2021 (Friday)
Location: Aula A, Didactic Center
Join us for a heartfelt Christmas movie at Aula A with your friends.

Santa Party
December 12th, 2021 (Sunday)
Location: 0 floor, Didactic Center
RSVP required:
Happy Holidays, WUM Students⛄️
Join us for EDSG’s Santa Party! 🎅🏼🧑🏼🎄
Let’s celebrate the winter holidays with some festive fun like cookie decorating, making Christmas cards, holiday music, games, trivia, and more! 🎄
There will be food and prizes! 🎁
And don’t forget to dress up in your favorite ugly sweater or put on that Santa Hat/Elf Ears to show your holiday spirit! ❄️
When? SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12th at 2PM
❗️We only have 100 spots available! So make sure to fill out the sign up form before spots fill up!
Used Book Sale
December 10th, 2021 (Friday)
Location: Aula A, Didactic Center
Swing by Aula A on Friday to pick out some used medical textbooks - whether you are a first year needing an anatomy atlas, an upper year preparing to write the USMLE, or just looking for a bedtime story (on surgery) - we have something for you! Prices range from 10-100 zł. Cash only.

Bollywood Night
December 3rd, 2021 (Friday)
Location: Aula A, Didactic Center
EDSG is hosting Bollywood Night!
Dress up as your favorite Bollywood Character!
There will be Bollywood Quizzes to brush up on your knowledge!
The winner gets a special prize

Thanksgiving Food Drive AMSA x EDSG
Donations collected until November 25th, 2021 at the boxes located in the ground floor of the didactic center.
During this Thanksgiving season, AMSA has teamed up with EDSG to organize a food drive.
We will support the SOS Foodbank in Warsaw.
Boxes will be available on the ground floor of the Didactic Center starting on Monday for collection.
We are looking for non-perishable food like:
✔️canned food
Let's make a difference and help those in need 💪
Any kind of help will be appreciated and celebrated.
The collection is happening in Didactic Centre on the ground floor from November 22nd to 25th!

Korean Movie Night
November 20th, 2021 (Saturday)
Location: Aula A, Didactic Center
Have you guys watched squid game and want to be entertained with more Korean movies?!❤️
We are hosting a Korean movie night!🥳
The Korean EDSG member has chosen the best Korean movie for the night.
We will play the movie in Aula A, Didactic Center from 4 pm till 6.10 pm next Saturday the 20th of November.🎉
You can bring your snacks and we will enjoy the movie.🤗🤗

Święty Mikołaj dla seniora - Annual Christmas Charity
Donations collected until November 20th, 2021
Location: Aula A, Didactic Center
We are co-organizing with the Polish division the “Święty Mikołaj dla seniora”, the annual Christmas charity for the ones in need!🥳
We have picked a man who is lonely and ill and needs our help.
This year we are preparing a Christmas gift for Krzysztof and his faithful companion Kacper (his dog).
Krzysztof is 85 years old and staying in a nursing home.
Krzysztofs wife, who was his only family apart from Kacper, passed away a few years ago, leaving him by himself.
Krzysztof, despite his old age and his many diseases, is a very cheerful person, who smiles all the time and tries to help everyone.
Due to his very low retirement pension, he can’t afford to buy not only warm clothes but also everyday essential products and his medication.
The coming winter terrifies him a lot because without the donations, he won’t be able to use heating for his house and he is afraid that he will be very cold for several months again. Therefore he asks Santa for two tons of coal (which costs around 2000zł), warm clothes, shoes and everyday products like soap and washing powder.
Krzysztof also didn’t forget to ask for dog food and a toy for his best friend - Kacper.
We will collect your donations until 20/11, after that we will post how much we collected and photos of our gifts ☺️☺️
We are very grateful for every donation, and remember that all the good things you do, will come back to you! 🤗🤗
We share beneath the translated version of the letter from Mr Krzysztof and account details for the donations.
Account number: 20 1030 0019 0109 8501 0163 2488
Transfer details: Paulina Kisielewska; Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny
Title: Swiety Mikolaj dla seniora

Diwali 2021
November 6th, 2021 (Saturday)
- Dinner starts at 8PM
- Party starts at 10PM
Venue: N58 Club
We are happy to announce our annual Diwali party is back! Check our Facebook event for the most up to date information.

Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun - Halloween Party
October 29th, 2021 (Friday)
Venue: Room 13 Club
We want to thank everyone for a successful event and for getting wristbands ahead of time.

Orientation Week 2021/2022
September 29th ~ October 2nd, 2021
Major events:
- White Coat Ceremony
- Club Night
- Pub Crawl
Orientation Week 2021/22 comes to a successful end with the last 4 days for our new batch of medical students this year!
We would like to thank each and every person who was a part of making it such a huge hit including the glorius organizing committee: his magnificence Rector Gaciong, Rector Wlodarski, Dean Krenke, Dean Sienko, Dean Czochrowska, Dr Jankowska, Dr Niederla, Dr Skadorwa, Dr Lazarewicz; the wonderful Dean's office team: Ms Kawalczewska, Ms Szczepaniuk, Ms Chilecka, Ms Kurowska and Ms Lazurek; Ms Delfina for getting us all through, Mr Michal; our lovely volunteers: Ishani, Ziad, Michael, Angela, Pierre-Olivier, Dongwoo, Naishtika, Skanda, Krishna, Sushant, Zainab, Zarmin, Zofia, Patrick, Fatima, Krishna and Priyanksha
Biggest shoutout to our hard working EDSG team present: Olivia, Jannush, Zoheir, Iza, Danae, Mike and Disha ❤

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