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The English Division Student Government is a group of students from English Medicine and Dentistry Programs at the Medical University of Warsaw. We represent students on issues such as, curriculum & teaching, student wellbeing, and foster a positive environment for the MUW community. 

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Clubs & Events

Check out our upcoming events as well as the MUW Clubs & Events page to know what's going on in the community! 

New to MUW?

Check out our resources tab for our Surviving First Year Handbook (Medicine, Dentistry) and other great info!
Join us for orientation week before classes start (typically starts Wednesday the week before classes)!


We'd love to hear from you

© 2022 EDSG of the Medical University of Warsaw
Content modification and website redesign: Olivia Gudziewski and Mike Lee
Original Content Creation: Krzysztof Wierzbicki, with Adrian Curran, Adam Zurawek, Anna Drozd and Marta Worwag
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