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Medical Supplies for the Ukrainian Army

In addition to our normal donation drive, we are working along with AMSA and the Red Cross Academic Circle to gather medical supplies that the Ukrainian Army needs (see below for a list of items). We understand the prescription medications are difficult, hence, we are looking for your help to get the OTC supplies.

Please drop off any donations at the designated boxes for medical supplies at the:

  • Didactic Center (same place as the regular donations) OR

  • Directly at Mokotów Postępu 10/88 klatka C, Floor OR

  • Wola Ogrodowa 65/33 ivRoxe

Just to clarify: The donation boxes at the Didactic Center are still taking in necessary items such as clothes, non-perishable foods - in addition to medical supplies. There will be designated boxes for medical supplies.

Information regarding our regular donation drive can be found HERE.


© 2022 EDSG of the Medical University of Warsaw
Content modification and website redesign: Olivia Gudziewski and Mike Lee
Original Content Creation: Krzysztof Wierzbicki, with Adrian Curran, Adam Zurawek, Anna Drozd and Marta Worwag
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