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Getting started

So you made it into Dental School!


What should you expect and how should you be prepared for the first few weeks?

The school year calendar can be found here - the academic year officially begins October 1st, 2022 but your classes start October 4th, 2022. Orientation week is planned a week before first classes (September 28th - October 1st, 2022)so it is strongly recommended to arrive to Warsaw earlier so you can participate in orientation week. 


What should I prepare?

  • Anatomy classes​

    • Dissecting room attire - lab coat tied at the back, cap (exempt if wearing religious headwear); enclosed shoes and long pants should be worn otherwise you might not be allowed in!​

    • Small note that in the osteology unit (first unit in anatomy) you do not have to wear the anatomy lab coat as you will only be dealing with dry preparations

    • Bringing forceps and gloves is not required but helpful for studying from cadavers in class

  • Histology classes: coloured pencils and a notebook used to draw images you see in microscopic classes (it is a bit like art class, if art class tested you on in-depth histological information)

    • Make sure you have pink and dark blue colors - you will use these 2 colours a lot​

  • Dental classes held at the Department of Dental Propedeutics and Prophylaxis (Dental prophylaxis - winter semester, Ergonomics - summer semester): white coat and a change a clean shoes

  • A small amount of classes might have scripts or books that require you to purchase as they will be used as part of teaching (e.g. Polish, Latin). They will be announced by your teacher during the first classes.

  • In terms of textbooks the school does not require you to have any specific textbook. You are free to get what textbook you like. However, there are some courses that base classes and exam questions from a specific textbook, which then it would be recommended to get. Check our textbook guide for more details. 

  • You don't need scrubs in the first year as you won't be seeing patients.

  • Enthusiasm and Teamwork! Dentistry classes are usually very small and it is very important to help each other out throughout the year.

Recommendations on where to get medical clothing can be found here.​




Check here for more details and options.

If you are interested in living in the university dorm (located at ul. Karolkowa 84) please check the dean's office page so you don't miss the deadline for registration. If you are interested in how the dorm looks, you can find a virtual tour and some photos.



Dress Code


In the past first years have wondered whether or not there is a strict dress code. In general, the university is quite relaxed compared to countries like the USA, Australia or the UK. In general, as long as you exercise common sense you would not have a problem.


With pre-clinical dentistry classes as well as clinical classes in the later years, you will be asked to bring a change of shoes that you only wear inside hospitals and clinics. You will be required to leave your coats in designated student cloakrooms or lockers, especially in the winter. For your lectures and seminars that aren't in hospitals or clinics, you can wear more or less what you like.



Curriculum & Timetable


Use the dean's office website!!!! Many useful information can be found there. Some pages useful for students are mentioned here.

  • Schedule and exam dates: As the name suggests, your schedule will be posted here before school starts. Be sure to check the update date as the schedules often do have minor changes - even after the semester has started. According to university regulations, schedules should be available at least 4 weeks before the start of the semester - although sometimes there is a delay. Exam dates are posted before examination sessions (winter examination session takes place in late January to early February, summer examination session takes place late June to mid July). According to university regulations, exam dates should be made available at least 3 weeks before the start of the sesssion.

  • Syllabus: Take a chance to read the syllabus for your individual courses. It will tell you what is expected of you, and how you will be examined and pass the course.  It will also mention your textbooks and topics of classes to be covered.

  • Plan of studies: Provides the list of courses you are taking for each year, the number of hours, ECTS points, as well as departments responsible for teaching the classes.

  • Summer training: Requirements and documents requires for the obligatory summer training can be found here

  • Optional/Facultative courses: Completion of an optional course is required in the summer semester of first year. There are 3 courses to choose from the first year: Medical ethics with elements of philosophy, History of dentistry, and Medical Psychology. Due to the small size of the faculty, only the course with the most amounts of votes will be opened (basically meaning all of first year will vote for the optional course they wish to attend). More information will be given by the dean's office in the first few weeks. In the 2nd to 4th years, students are required to complete 60 hours of optinal courses.


Student IDs


Within the first few weeks of classes (usually before mid-October), you will receive your student ID. The student ID is used in many occasions such as:

  • storing long-term bus passes as well as the basis for you to be purchasing a discounted fare (50%) - you will be fined if you purchase a reduced fare without bringing your student card

  • entering some buildings (such as the dentistry building)

  • logging in university computers and e-learning platforms

  • borrowing books, anatomical models, or microscopes from the library

  • in many places with discounted fares for students you may show your student card and save some money ;)




During your first week, following orientation, there will be a ceremony to enroll you to the university. This includes swearing and signing an oath. This includes all students of the Faculty of Dental Medicine (Dentistry - Polish and English students, Dental Hygiene, and Dental Techniques) and is a formal event. Generally students wear suits or a nice dress - formal wear is expected. A lot of the ceremony will be in Polish, but there is a choir which is somewhat entertaining. Details about this event will be available from the dean's office when time comes.


(Pictured below: Matriculation Ceremony of the Faculty of Dental Medicine, 2019/2020 school year)

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Immatrykulacja WLS 11.jpg
© 2022 EDSG of the Medical University of Warsaw
Content modification and website redesign: Olivia Gudziewski and Mike Lee
Original Content Creation: Krzysztof Wierzbicki, with Adrian Curran, Adam Zurawek, Anna Drozd and Marta Worwag
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