[Updated 27.02.2022 16:36 - Polish Red Cross]
[Updated 27.02.2022 11:55 - Fundraising accounts from the National Bank of Ukraine + Updated list of non-governmental organizations]
For your convenience we have included a list of fundrasing campaigns shared by organizations and our students. Please make sure to do your own research before donating!
https://mirnyjdom.pl/en/#wesprzyj - Shared by Medical University of Warsaw.
Mirnyj Dom is a place where political refugees will be able to receive a helping hand, founded by the Humanosh Foundation (where necessary items in the donation drive by WUM will be sent to). They have already helped refugees from Ukraine, Tibet, and Belarus.
https://savelife.in.ua/en/donate/ - Shared by one of our students.
Back and Alive (Повернись живим) is a Ukrainian non-governmental organization that helps Ukrainian soldiers in the war in Donbass on the basis of crowdfunding.
The National Bank of Ukraine has opened a charity account in order to gather funds to contribute Ukrainian army with resource - Shared by one of our students.
Donations can be made in UAH, USD, EUR, GBP to the following accounts (Click to expand):
For UAH remittances Bank: National Bank of Ukraine MFO 300001 Account No. UA843000010000000047330992708 EDRPOU Code 00032106 Payee: National Bank of Ukraine
For USD remittances SWIFT Code NBU: NBUA UA UX JP MORGAN CHASE BANK, New York SWIFT Code: CHASUS33 Account: 400807238 383 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10179, USA Funds will be wired into account No. UA843000010000000047330992708
For GBP remittances SWIFT Code NBU: NBUA UA UX Bank of England, London SWIFT Code: BKENGB2L Account: 40000982 Threadneedle Street, London EC2R 8AH, UK Funds will be wired into account No. UA843000010000000047330992708
For EUR remittances
Account: 5040040066
IBAN DE05504000005040040066
Wilhelm-Epsteinn-Strabe 14, 60431 Frankfurt Am Main,Germany
Funds will be wired into account No. UA843000010000000047330992708
https://www.siepomaga.pl/pah-ukraina (Campaign in Polish) - Shared by Samorząd Studentów WUM.
The Polish Humanitarium Action (Polski Akcja Humanitarna) has started a compaign on siepomaga (think gofundme but for Poland) to help the inhabitants of Ukraine. They will provide direct aid (food and other forms of support) to people who have to flee their homes. Their support will cover people affected by the conflict, including those moving inside the country as well as refugees and refugees coming to Poland.
(On another note: IceWUM event on Feb 27 by Samorząd Studentów WUM is now free, in turn the Polish student government asks each participant to donate to the fundraiser instead)
Those interested to donate to Polish Red Cross (Polski Czerwony Krzyż) can transfer money to the bank account below with the note 'Ukraine' - Shared by Polish Red Cross Academic Circle MUW and City of Warsaw.
The funds raised will be allocated in the first place, inter alia, to for the purchase of food, dressings and other priority needs.
Account number: 16 1160 2202 0000 0002 7718 3060
Fundraiser by the Center of Monitoring Racist and Xenophobic Behaviour (Ośrodek
Monitorowania Zachowań Rasistowskich i Ksenofobicznych).
Other non-governmental organizations running fundraisers to donate funds to refugees - list provided by the City of Warsaw